When I was 17 years old fresh out of high school, I wanted to start a record label. But 17, college was in the view and I had no idea where to really start. And when I get music like “Don’t Leave Me” by Brandon Wolf Hill in my inbox, it reminds me of why I wanted to own a record label. So that newcomers could have a place to grow and make a name for themselves.
As I listen to “Don’t Leave Me” I interpret it to be a song about death, mental illness. I could be wrong, but the story I get from the track is that mental illness (depression perhaps) has taken control. It’s a great song, it a song that says you don’t know how someone who is having a hard time or suffering from a mental illness can appear to have it together.
This song is powerful! As a person who suffers from anxiety disorder, this song is helping to put a light on mental health. Rappers hardly share about mental health and shine a light on the topic. This makes “Don’t Leave Me” a hot track!! Because it’s not about cars, women, and securing the bag. It’s about real life.
It’s a song that needs to be shared with everyone. It needs to be on your playlist and your besties playlist. It’s an amazing song. Make sure to take a listen to down below.
About Brandon Wolf Hill
Brandon Wolk Hill hails from Minneapolis, MN. He says, “People can live sober.”
Listen to…
“Don’t Leave Me”
Connect with Brandon Wolf Hill on Social Media
Facebook: https://facebook.com/BrandonWolfHill
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brandonwolfhill
Instagram: https://instagram.com/brandonwolfhill
Tumblr: https://brandonwolfhill.tumblr.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk44trOSgnUM5c6W763_6FQ
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Jay Creed
Content Creator + Editor-in-Chief
Jay is the Content Creator + Editor-in-Chief here at Life of Creed. She shares her adventures in homeschooling, traveling, beauty, mental health, fashion, product + music reviews, DIY, and more. She is also a blog coach + mompreneur consultant over at Jay Creed.