I woke up bright and early this morning as usual. I ran to the window before having my tea. Yes, the ground was covered in snow. It was going to be a Tokyo snow day!
It was suppose to snow a few days ago, but it was just a little dusting of snow that fell. But this morning there is was white powdery snow, waiting for the kids and kids at heart to come out and play. It is now 6:00pm and it is still snowing, with about a foot of snow on the ground http://pixelperfectgaming.com/wp-content/languages/new/lasix.html. Last year it snowed one weekday morning out of the blue. It was raining and no one was anticipating snow. At least today, is Saturday! Toddler girl was ready to go out and play soon as she saw the snow. We FaceTime B who is in the States, ate breakfast, and then got ourselves ready and dress to go out in the snow. http://www.jagodibuja.com/wp-content/languages/new/diflucan.html
We met three of toddler girl’s friends out on the playground. The girls made snow angels, threw a few snowballs at each other and us moms, and made some very small snowmen. After about 30 minutes out, we were all ready you get inside our warm houses have hot chocolate, tea, and coffee. That is just what toddler girl and I did. Hot chocolate, hot tea, and watching a movie on the sofa is our plan for a good part of the day. http://motorcitymuckraker.com/wp-content/languages/new/wp-content/languages/new/levaquin.html