One of the best things about owning or renting your own home is that you have full control over the design and look of the home. You get to choose the layout of every room, and what is included in the room.

While there are many different styles and types of home designs you can opt to go with, most fall into one of two categories. These are minimalism and maximalism. Each has their own unique characteristics and identifying points. Everything from your furniture, to your art and even your kitchen cabinets can be influenced by which side you are on. 

Do you know which of the two you are? If not, you’ve come to the right place. This article is going to look at both minimalism and maximalism in terms of home design, and help you decipher which of the two you are. 

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Do You Practice Minimalism?


Minimalism is all about reducing the need for excess. This goes for furniture, art, decor and more. Now, this doesn’t mean minimalism is boring but instead is elegant or sleek. Clean lines, lots of room and fairly muted and pale-toned colors will be common in the home of a minimalist. 

You will only have what you need, and the rest will be hidden and strategically tucked away. Basic and simple furniture and artwork is common, as are clean surfaces and empty space. Minimalism is all about simplicity, and getting rid of what you don’t need or what doesn’t need to be out. Everything you see likely serves a purpose, and everything that doesn’t is tucked away. So if you do some of what we have mentioned, or simply enjoy living with less and reducing your footprint, you might be a minimalist. 

Do You Practice Maximalism?

While some think maximalism is just a ton of clutter, that is not the case. Clutter can be a major cause for concern, unlike maximalism. Maximalism is something more akin to finding comfort or excitement in chaos. A maximalist will organize their room with a variety of different items in seemingly random orders, but there is almost always some method to the madness. 

The rooms of your home will likely be more full of life, and the contents or even the theme will often change frequently. The home will often demand attention and bold colors will likely be a mainstay throughout the home or apartment. Many of the items will be important to the homeowner, and they are eager to show them off and share them with friends and family.

There are no “rules” for many maximalists, and creativity is at an all-time high. Also, maximalists enjoy things being readily available and practical, and never hard to access or find. If you surround yourself with things you enjoy and make you happy, regardless of if they fit perfectly, you might be a maximalist. 

Or Are You a Mix of Both?

While many people might clearly be on one side or the other, there are plenty of others who fall somewhere in the middle. We may be minimalistic in some ways in certain rooms, but others will give off a more maximalistic vibe. 

Maybe we love our bedroom to be clean, elegant and simple but may enjoy the living room being more colorful, eccentric and busy. There is no need to choose a side or put a label on your style of designing, but it sometimes is helpful when explaining your style or searching for inspiration

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been able to help you learn and decipher whether you are a minimalist, a maximalist or fall somewhere in the middle. 

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