Homeschooling can be pretty tough. It can be even harder if you’ve got a child who suffers with anxiety around their learning. It happens more often than not. There isn’t the social anxiety aspect because, unless they’re with siblings, they will be being taught along. Instead, it comes from the worry that they won’t be able to learn what you’re teaching while you homeschool them. There are multiple ways to deal with this. You know your children like none other, so you’ll know what works. However, in certain cases, it’s worth doing a little trial and error and seeing if you can ensure their anxiety is beaten back. Here are some tips to try. 

Prior Preparation Can Defeat All

So long as you help them prepare then you can ensure they’ve got the confidence to do well. This applies to small tests you set them, as well as any wider real-time exams that are externally moderated. These are important if you want them to get their certificates etc. You can help them with things like NASCLA exam prep, or indeed corresponding prep for other courses if you want to for your peace of mind, but in the main, it’s about helping them study the right material over and over. Look at previous exams and have them complete those. Anxiety can be beaten back by building proper confidence in your child so they’re not worried about what’s ahead. It might not be everything they need…there will still be nerves, especially for the first exam. All you can do is set them up as best you can.

Remember To Have Fun

It can get a little heavy sometimes. Moving from one subject to the next over and over again. It’s important to ensure that you have fun wherever you can. You can even keep the learning element added in. Maybe you can test them with funny riddles or build a science experiment with explosive results. Try something like this once a day or so to keep the fun added into learning. Get them laughing and they’ll remember the lesson. Humour can be a brilliant remedy so stick this in right after a full-on maths lesson or after something they don’t really like. It might be you asking them what they want to do. This is a great way to find out what they love and what they want to spend their time doing.

Allow Social Interaction

Homeschooling is fine but it’s important to remember that your child will be missing out on a vital aspect of the school experience…social interaction with classmates. It’s a great way of getting them set up with societal boundaries and how to treat others in certain situations. Make sure you arrange playdates and ensure they make friends in their local area. You can do this by ensuring they play in a sports team or are a member of a club of some sort which can help them get what they need in terms of social interaction. 

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Contributing Author

This article is written by a contributing author. 

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