Not everyone prefers to shave stubborn hair on the chest, legs, arms, or even under the chin since razors can cause irritation. So if razors aren’t your thing, that’s completely fine. But how do you remove unwanted hair on any part of your skin? You can use several options; some can be done at home, while others require professional assistance. But the good news is that all these options will work just fine. That said, here are five alternative ways you can remove bodily hair.
1. Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is perfect if you’re looking for a more permanent solution to unwanted hair growth. The only problem is that it can be a bit expensive. Laser treatment uses a special light absorbed in your skin as heat. The heat practically burns and damages the follicle that produces the hair, making it a more permanent solution. And yes, it causes some discomfort, so keep this in mind.
2. Hair inhibiting creams
You can also try using inhibiting creams specially formulated to slow down hair growth over time. They often contain ingredients that target the hair follicles, eliminating or killing them at the root. But because hair-inhibiting creams take time, many people prefer to use them after a faster hair removal method. But if you’re not in a hurry, this option is ideal.
3. Supplements and medications
While some women with facial hair are beginning to embrace their looks, it’s not the same for others. Fortunately, some medical interventions can help. Doctors can prescribe hormone supplements like progesterone, which stops additional hair growth in women. Progesterone medications are natural androgen inhibitors that can stop or at least slow down the hormones responsible for facial hair growth. Some health experts can also prescribe creams specially formulated for this purpose. Additionally, dietary supplementation with zinc, magnesium, and copper is beneficial.
4. Electrolysis
Electrolysis usually doesn’t cause much discomfort except for slight tingling. But it is another effective and permanent alternative to shaving your skin. It involves using a machine that destroys hair follicle growth and works on any skin type. The only problem with this option is that it can be time-consuming. Moreover, it can leave you with some minor skin discoloration. Electrolysis is ideal if you want to, for example, permanently remove hair from an unsightly mole without shaving or plucking them out. But you must consult a professional first or get a biopsy before tempering with any unusual-looking mole. And if you experience a mole biopsy site itchy sensation after your biopsy, your dermatologist will recommend the right post-care.
5. Waxing and Sugaring
You probably already know how effective waxing is. While you can try a waxing DIY in your home, visiting a professional is best. That’s because doing it the wrong way can lead to very uncomfortable results. Likewise, sugaring involves using a sticky paste of sugar, lemon juice, and water to remove hair. It is a natural and less irritating alternative to traditional waxing, so feel free to consider this.

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