Today’s Artist Spotlight is on Deane Nesbitt Jr. and his latest album Soundtracks in the Sand. Beautifully composed, this is album is inspired by films that contain Deane’s music.

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Photo of Deane Nesbitt Jr. - Artist Spotlight

Soon as I hit play on the album, the track “Upbeat” begins and it was like being on a tropical vacation. As you listen to the album you will hear Celtic, African, Mexican, Caribbean, and North American influences. Deane’s music has formed the soundtrack from two recent films, Change for Chimps featuring Jane Goodall and Legacy of War, featuring World War II Veterans and original footage from the war. The music from these films is included on Soundtracks in the Sand together with other original compositions.

My favorite song on the album is “Heroine”. But each track is unique and different. Soundtracks in the Sand can transport you into another place with a little imagination, for example, “Tracking the Solider”, as the bagpipes play the music takes you to Scottland. You can imagine bagpipers playing and marching.

“Niagara” and “The Best That Can Be Done” both are relaxing, perfect for having soft music in the background playing as you meditate or do yoga. Soundtracks in the Sand is so versatile that you can have it playing at a dinner party or relaxing it. 

You can listen to “Upbeat” below. Let me know your thought in the comments at the end of this post.

More about Soundtracks in the Sand

Arranged by: Brian Gagnon and Deane Nesbitt Jr.
Piano and Keyboards: Deane Nesbitt Jr. and Brian Gagnon
Produced by: Brian Gagnon
Featuring: Cesco Emmanuel (Guitar), Ian Goodtimes (Bagpipes), Daphne Nesbitt (Lead Vocals), Deborah Quigley (Uilleann Pipes) and Ira Zingraff (Trumpet)

Watch the video for “Upbeat”


About Deane Nesbit Jr.

Deane Nesbitt Jr. is a Canadian musician, composer, and recording artist. Although Deane has composed music for years, he does not read music. His unique background consists of practicing law for 16 years, co-founding an investment management company and writing an illustrated history of a 1912 investment bank. Deane’s music has been aired on more than 300 radio stations across America and Canada.

His recent CD, Music in Search of a Movie, won the Philby Award in the United States for being one of the top 100 music CDs of 2015 and the Best Dramatic Music of the year. The album ranked on five CMJ charts for New World Music, reaching one of the top three positions on each.

Connect with Deane Nesbitt Jr. on Social Media



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Jay Creed

Jay Creed

Blogger + Content Creator

Jay is the Founder and Content Creator of Life of Creed. She shares her adventures in homeschooling, traveling, beauty, mental health, fashion, product + music reviews, DIY, and more. She is also a creative coach over at Jay Creed.