Like any responsible homeowner, you need to keep your home safe for kids and adults alike. There should be no room for unnecessary risks, especially if there are kids running around. Luckily, making your home into a safe space is pretty easy when you get down to it.
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1. Put yourself in others’ shoes
Sometimes, you’re not able to correctly gauge the dangers that others face. It’s easy to notice the things that can injure you because you’re used to looking at your environment from your own perspective. You can tell when and where you might get injured because you know your own train of thought and your limitations.
Children, on the other hand, have a different set of dangers before them. They can climb and crawl into dangerous spaces that you might not be able to reach. It probably wouldn’t cross your mind to randomly wander into the crawl space beneath your home, but it’s something that a child definitely might do. Keeping dangerous or otherwise harmful objects there might not be the wisest decision. The same goes for any surface that can be climbed by a child.
2. Keep an eye out
The best way to keep your kids or guests safe is to always keep an eye out for them. You can’t make your home completely injury-proof, there’s always something that can go wrong. Your outdoor spaces are no different. However, this goes for every home and backyard, so you don’t have to worry too much.
Do your best to emphasize what needs to be avoided. If you’re in the middle of renovating your porch or fence, make sure you show people where potential dangers might be. If you have any nails or screws lying around, try to avoid walking in that area to avoid an injury. If you’re giving your façade a refreshing paint job, keep the buckets of paint closed whenever you’re not using them. Children don’t know better when it comes to colorful items.
3. Make some natural cushions
Kids adore playing outside. Whether it’s sports or pure imagination, kids can spend hours doing their favorite activity outside on a sunny day. Children aren’t exactly careful while they’re running around all over the place. They tend to trip and fall at the slightest bump.
You can’t really do much about the tripping and falling, but you can affect the outcome of a fall. Make sure your outdoor space has a lot of grass and little concrete. Falling on grass and dirt doesn’t cause injury, but harder surfaces can be tricky.
4. Look out from above
Your roof might seem like a pretty stable element of your home, but it’s potentially dangerous in some situations. A particularly harsh storm can always loosen up a shingle or two, making them susceptible to falling off of the roof. Depending on what they’re made of, roof shingles can be very dangerous projectiles, especially when falling from a large height.
It’s not something that happens often, but you shouldn’t leave anything up to chance. Have the roof checked out every once in a while. Experts like MLR Slate Roofing could come in handy. You might not even realize your roof is in need of serious repairs. Roofs tend to degrade after a decade or so, which is when they’re ripe for a full renovation. As long as you keep things under control, you shouldn’t have to worry about stray shingles posing any risk.
5. Under lock and key
It goes without saying that any dangerous items should be stored in a shed or in a secure location inside your home. However, a lot of people don’t realize what can become dangerous under the right circumstances. Do you view a bag of compost as all that dangerous? Probably not. On the other hand, it can be potentially harmful to kids that run into it.
Gardening tools should be kept in the shed whenever they’re not being used. The wrong step could lead to a nasty wound that is easily infected. Instead of allowing this kind of risk, might as well be safe and lock things away. Just make sure you pick out some strong locks that will keep your things safe and out of reach.
Keeping your home safe isn’t all that difficult. All you need is a bit of intuition and some common sense. As long as you put some effort into ridding your home of dangers, it should be a piece of cake. Keep some of these examples in mind when you’re scouring your home for dangerous elements.
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About the Author

Sarah Jessica Smith
Guest Blogger
Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make her daily routine easier. She loves to write about home improvement, lifestyle, and all the small things that make life such a great adventure.