Toddler girl is a girly girl through and through. She loves pink and all things girly,
including having her nails done.
Usually I just polish her nails and put on some sticker nail art. Broadway Nails has a Little Diva Dress-Up
nail stickers. There were a few different designs on the shelf when we brought them.
It comes with 26 stickers and it is an easy three-step process.
Step 1 find the sticker that best matches your nail size.
Step 2, put the nail sticker on.
Step 3 use a nail file, to file down access sticker. It was that easy.
It took about 10 minutes to do and I even put
a sticker on both of her big toes and with polish on the rest of her toes. The test will be seeing how long she can keep
them on, before peeling the stickers off.