Christian Farrar recently just dropped his new album Earney Road Sessions. The album is like an album inside an album with its 11 tracks. His style is eccentric in a good way, as he is not trying to fit into the cookie cutter mold of different hip-hop sounds that all start to sound just alike.
This is my first time listening to Christian Farrar and with the tone of his voice and his delivery of the lyrics he reminds me a bit of Eminem. But Christian has a style that is still us own. But I can hear the faint reminiscence of Em. The first song on Earney Road Sessions album is “Fear A Sober Me” and it was a little to all over the place for me. But it’s his way of keeping the song fresh and lively.
“Wait for the Money Shot” has a good beat. The ending is very unique. I was doing other things and thought the song had ended. As I’m listening to Earney Road Sessions, its album that you have to focus in on. Listen and pay attention as it has many twists and turns through each song.
You just have to listen to “I Wanna Stay Pretty Forever” to really feel this song. Words on a blog post can’t do it the justice it deserves. He even slightly takes a shot at Beyonce. But the beat is on point and is a dope song.
“Save Me Lord” takes you to church, it rap and gospel. Done very well! “Death Is Real” closes out the album. A very good choice for the closing song. He’s giving a message – if you really listen you can get positive nuggets from it.
Which is my favorite song off the album? “I Wanna Stay Pretty Forever”. All in all Earney Road Sessions is a decent album.
Watch the Video
Check out the audio video “I Wanna Stay Pretty Forever”.
About Christian Farrar
Christian Farrar is an artist from the outskirts of Atlanta, Ga who takes his influences from the hip-hop he grew up loving and the rural sounds that were always playing around me. He tries to push boundaries because as he says, “I like weird things”.
I’ve never made anything that I actually liked before, this feeling is incredibly bizarre to me. During the creation of this project I knew that if I were to actually release it, I was going to have to make it exceptional. I needed to create something that justified my existence, and in many ways I felt the need to redeem myself to God. I have spent the majority of my life being a fuck up, terrified to look at myself in the mirror, I have wasted so much potential that it makes me sick to my stomach. I know if I wasted anymore I will be dead in a few years, and I refuse to die before I achieve what I plan to achieve. I don’t have disillusions of grandeur— I’m a weird person, I like weird things, I make weird things. I have no doubt in my mind that Earney Road Sessions isn’t for everyone, but that’s okay if I was 14 years old today, just starting to create music seriously and I stumbled upon this project I would be in awe. I’m not trying to come off as cocky, I want to be clear, everything I’ve made in the past I have absolutely hated. I’m proud of this record, I hope you like it, but it’s okay if you don’t. – Christian Farrar
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Jay Creed
Content Creator + Manager
Jay is the Content Creator + Manager here at Life of Creed. She shares her adventures in homeschooling, traveling, beauty, mental health, fashion, product + music reviews, DIY, and more. She is also a blog coach + mompreneur consultant over at Jay Creed.