Keeping horses requires more than money. You also need skills. These animals are majestic but, like families, they require the proper conditions to thrive.
If you’re not sure about deworming your horses, this post can help. We look at everything you need to know about the process so you can take care of your animals, whether they are in the stables, out in the paddock, or on the racecourse.
Horses Can Struggle With Various Parasites
Horses co-evolved with parasites. However, some species are harmful and can make animals listless and weak.
Large strongyles, also called bloodworms, are particularly harmful. These can cause colic and damage horse’s blood vessels.
Small strongyles are similarly nasty. While less in physical size, these can also lead to colic and diarrhea in some animals.
Roundworms are another risk. These smaller worms tend to affect foals and young horses more, causing discomfort and potentially retarding development.
Finally, horses can get tapeworms. These cause colic but are harder to detect in fecal exams.
Deworming Schedules
Most horse owners follow a deworming schedule set by their vet. The frequency of deworming depends on the horse’s age, health, and local environment.
Your horse may require more frequent deworming depending on the conditions in which it lives. Some areas are more prone to worms than others.
In the past, vets recommended rotating deworming. However, that is becoming less common. Experts now recommend deworming based on the number of eggs in feces. Horses have some resistance, but if egg numbers are too high, it suggests infestation.
What Deworming Products Are Available For Horses?
Various deworming products are available for horses. Manufacturers now make them in several forms, including pellets, pastes, and gels.
You should choose the form factor that best suits your animals. Some horses won’t notice the addition to their regimen at all, while others will be put off by some products.
The most common antiparasitic agents are moxidectin and fenbendazole. Some products also contain ivermectin in their formulations and can be especially helpful for horses with multi-parasitic loads.
If you are suspicious your horses might have different parasites, rotate the medication to ensure you target the right ones. Some products aren’t effective at treating some types of worms, even if they kill others.
You may notice that some products are more effective in your horses. Prioritise using these to shorten the treatment duration.
Quarantine New Horses
You should also quarantine new horses before introducing them to the rest of your herd. Horses from other areas can carry parasites with them that can infect your existing animals, forcing you to go through another round of deworming.
Most professionals recommend isolating new horses for two to four weeks before introducing them to the others. Not only will this let them get used to the new environment, but it will also give you a chance to inspect their feces and look for signs of parasites.
Store Dewormers Properly
Finally, ensure you store dewormers properly. Manufacturers will usually provide instructions for storage on their packaging.

Written by Contributing Author
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