Moving home can, in many cases, be a great new start to a brand new chapter in your life. Yet it’s also true that moving home often comes with many additional new experiences and life implements that we need to plan for and become familiar with. 

For instance, it’s likely that you may think about moving jobs, or at least offices while moving home. You’ll most likely need to make new friends in the area, particularly if you’re planning a long-distance moving effort.

Yet it’s also the case that as adults, we have the capacity to understand and plan for this process, knowing what to expect, as we’re the ones who have to push this process along step by step. To our children, moving can sometimes seem confusing and chaotic, particularly if they’re young. They might not understand why they have to leave their current home and school, especially if they’re young. The process of packing, moving to a new house, unpacking, and encountering the commute along the way may even seem stressful to them, also.

For this reason, figuring out ways to make moving house easier on your children is essential. In this post, we’ll discuss a few of them:

Sell Them On The Process, The New Life, & The House

It can be nice to think of your child as someone who also needs to be sold on the life you’re going to move to. Showing them around the town you’re hoping to transition your life to, as well as the cool little shops, the schooling areas, perhaps cool features of the area such as the local seafront, all of this can cultivate excitement and help them realize that this large effort (moving seems like an incredible change in the life of a child), is more than worth it.

Take the Journey in Stages

Taking the journey in stages, bit by bit can help your child feel less tired and unhappy when moving from place to place. This is especially true if you’re long-distance moving and are driving the entire way. Stopping off in hotels can help you get a good night’s rest. You may be able to drive for hours upon hours, but children tend to find this exhausting. It’s okay to give yourself some extra time, perhaps asking a relative to fly to the new location so they can greet the house removalists while you drive and bring with you your most valuable property.

Give Them Enough Time to Adapt

It’s nice to give yourself a little bit of time before you have to attend your new job or send your child to school (this is why summer holiday moves are often the best), because it allows them to adapt to the space without having anyone leave them or without having to ingratiate themselves with new people in a new schooling environment. This way, they can begin to feel comfortable in their new room and decorate it, or spend time playing in the garden. Every little moment they are afforded will help.

With this advice, we hope you can make moving home easier on your children.

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Contributing Author

This article is written by a contributing author.

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