Motivating children to read entails helping them to discover their enthusiasm and interests for books. Therefore, it is essential to show them that books contain amazing stories. This helps them to discover that books are fun to read; hence they eventually develop a reading habit.

The following are some tips you should consider to motivate your kids to develop a reading habit. 

Draw them into the Story

A film preview encourages someone to develop the need to watch a movie. Similarly, telling children what to expect from a story can entice them to read a few chapters to know how the story ends.

 You do not require to select a page-turner thriller for this; you can captivate their attention using attractive characters and some unexpected twists. 

Take them to the Bookstore

Besides browsing books for kids to read covers, it is also a fun activity for parents to take their kids to a bookstore as they spend some time together. It would help if you considered visiting a bookstore with your kid during weekends and later on spend some time reading with your kids.

When parents create a reading culture for themselves, it inspires their kids to develop the same habit. As a parent, you should also ensure that your kid enrolls in a reputable school like Montessori preschools

Get them into a Series

In books that target young adults, you are more likely to find a series where similar characters get involved in a similar theme or different events. Once your kid develops a positive experience with a particular book, they are likely to continue reading books that contain a similar set. 

Read Together

If you want to motivate your kid to read, you should consider spending some time reading together with them, regardless of age. This makes them associate reading with their parents, who are the most important people in their lives. Since kids love getting attention, you should consider creating personal reading time.

It would help if you got involved in reading alternatively, talking about the story, discussing how the story relates to daily life, and guessing or predicting what may happen.

Help them Make Good Choices 

Although kids should choose their preferred books, you need to guide them in the right direction and prevent them from reading something beyond level. This makes them consider other options or choose the book that you propose to them.

Applause them for their Achievements

Positive feedback and recognition can significantly motivate their reading culture more than physical rewards because applauding makes them feel more confident about themselves. It would help if you also considered developing a reading chart to record how many books they read.

You can also make it a game that entails checking off the different types and genres of books. This will encourage them to develop an adventurous habit in their choices.


Reading is an essential habit, especially for kids. This builds a great foundation in their future lives. Additionally, reading also helps kids to develop and nurture their intellectual capacity. As a parent, it is crucial to ensure that your kids develop a reading habit in their lives.  

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