In 2018 I read I didn’t read as many books as I would have liked. Some books I started and never finished. One goal this year is to read one book every other month.
Let’s jump right into my 3 favorite books I read in 2018. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. That means I’ll make a small commission if you make a purchase using my links.
I’ve Been Thinking… Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life – Maria Shriver
I wrote a blog post when I first started reading this book – it was a mini review – you can check that post out here.
In I’ve Been Thinking… Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life, Maria Shriver shares prayers, quotes that inspire, and reflections designed to get the reader thinking and feeling (as you can read from my blog post I mentioned above).
The book is powerful, it puts you in a fresh, new space. It doesn’t matter if you are having a good or bad day, this is a book that you want to read a few pages each day. I even highlighted passages that really spoke to me. It’s not a read once and put on the shelf book. It’s a book, you will pick up time and time again – when you need a pick-me-up or feeling stuck.
Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media – Brittany Hennessy
As a blogger, I want to do my best to share information, tips, etc. with my readers. One thing I share from time to time is product reviews. As an influencer, the goal is to share about products I love (sometimes some that I think my readers should really research before purchasing) but it has to go beyond just sharing on my blog. It is the age of social media and Facebook, Instagram, Twitter want social media posts alongside blog posts. Many will ask for just social media. For a while, I didn’t put in as much focus on social media for building my brand.
Well, Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media is just the book I needed to get tips on how to up my game. If you are just starting out as a blogger or influencer this is a great book to start with. Even if you are a seasoned blogger, this book will have good tips to help you with building your brand farther on social media. Brittany Hennessy even includes templates, a glossary with the industry lingo, and tips from other experts in the industry.
When it comes to a book filled with value, this is that book.
If you are looking for how to build an audience and keep them engaged, this is the book for you.
If you are ready to package your brand and pitch to companies, this is the book for you.
If you are ready to monetize your influence and figure out how much to charge, this is the book for you.
The Keys – DJ Khaled
In this book, DJ Khaled shares the major keys to success. Stay away from “they”, secure the big, respect the code.
I wanted to read The Keys because DJ Khaled has built an empire with We the Best. In the book, he says hare thing like; “Major key: Don’t play yourself. What I mean by that is don’t do anything foolish to compromise your joy and prosperity.”
The book has major keys that can help you grow yourself, but also your business. These keys help to keep your focus and to make sure that the team (staff) you have around you also have your best interest at heart too. DJ Khaled is giving the keys that he has used in his business and life – now it’s our turn to take that knowledge he shares and apply it to different areas in ours.
Did you read any of these books this year? Which one and what are your thoughts on the book you did read. What’s one book you read that you would recommend everyone to read?
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About the Author

Jay Creed
Content Creator + Manager
Jay is the Content Creator + Manager here at Life of Creed. She shares her adventures in homeschooling, traveling, beauty, mental health, fashion, product + music reviews, DIY, and more. She is also a blog coach + mompreneur consultant over at Jay Creed.