Self-sustainable living, also known as ‘homesteading‘ or ‘permaculture,’ emphasizes the need for an individual to provide themselves with necessary goods and services typically offered by the modern industrial economy. For example, one may consider growing their food instead of buying it as a form of self-sustainable living.

Self-sustainable living can be thought of as an attempt to prepare for the consequences of overpopulation and global resource depletion. If humanity fails to limit population growth, self-sustainable living will become essential in the future when resources are scarce.

Is it controversial?

The idea of self-sustainable living is controversial, however. Critics argue that it is obsolete because our technology has advanced to the point where we can provide all the resources for ourselves without relying on Earth’s natural resources. For instance, modern farming techniques allow an individual to produce enough food to feed many people without requiring a large plot of land. This same logic is applied to material goods and utilities, such as heating and cooling systems, clean water, etc.

These arguments are not necessarily incorrect, but they leave out an important detail – self-sustainable living is not only about the individual. It is about becoming less reliant on other people and institutions to ensure your survival at all costs. 

It takes a village

The old saying “It takes a village to raise a child” certainly holds; it takes many people (and institutions) working together every day to support one individual. This metaphor helps us understand why self-sustainable living is essential.

Self-sustainable living is like having the skills necessary to raise your child – you are no longer reliant on others for your survival, even if they are gone. This ensures that you will still be around when resources become scarce, and it’s time to carry on with life without all the modern benefits we have grown so accustomed to having.

There are many ways to become self-sustainable, but one of the most effective is growing your food. Nature does a fine job at growing food, but it takes time and patience.

Many people start by planting their vegetables in pots or small raised beds (individual plots of land). This allows you to see what works well in your area and what doesn’t. Once you get the hang of it, you can expand to planting in more significant sections of your yard or even your whole yard if space is not an issue.

Gardening is not just about food – it can be for medicinal uses as well. The Earth provides many medicinal herbs that can be used for cooking, flavoring, and healing. If you don’t have much space for gardening, you may want to consider growing your herbs (and then drying them) rather than buying them. You will save a lot of money in the long run and know exactly what went into making your medicine. The American Kratom Association is a good example of how herbs are being introduced into modern-day society for its medicinal benefits.

In addition to growing your food, you can also raise livestock such as chickens and goats to provide yourself with eggs and milk daily. This will require more space than growing plants but not as much as, say, building a tiny home from scratch.

There are many reasons to become self-sustainable 

It can be a method of preparing for the future; it can be a form of self-expression or even an act of rebellion against the government and other institutions. However, few people attempt to live off the grid because it requires so much time and effort, but it is certainly possible to start small and work your way up if you are interested.

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Contributing Author

This article is written by a contributing author.

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