Over the past few weeks, I have received a few Soundcloud, YouTube, etc. links to listen to music in the hope it can make it to the Artist Spotlight. I have been listening to music most of the day. I found an artist whose music, just by listening to one song, I knew should be in the Artist Spotlight. That artist is Amir. Please sit back and enjoy the sounds of Amir.
I have listened to pretty much every song on Amir’s Soundcloud. They are all outstanding. The beats are amazing; the lyrics are raw and refreshing. I’m at my desk working on a few projects and each song is making for an easy workday. His Soundcloud is filled with music, I have picked a few that stand out for me. Here are my favorite tracks that I like from Amir’s Soundcloud: Self, Alright, and Curry (Chopped and Screwed).
Let’s talk more about my favorite songs. Self is raw. I had to listen to a few times. It tells a story, something you don’t get often in rap. It’s about life, judging others, surviving, and much more. It’s a track that has something that each person who listens can find one thing they can relate to. It’s a song makes you want to get up and c-walk. You can feel his native roots of Cali, in this song.
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@TheAmirJackson”]Sizing the man up inside the mirror. Looking at me like I know who he is.[/tweetthis]
Alright, rap meets the blues. Yes, the blues! This is not some rap song with R&B flair. It has this hint of the blues, in the beat. The subtle sound of blues notes, that I remember hearing my parents listening to when I was a kid. All I can say is well done! You have to hear this song for yourself because it’s a song that can’t be explained. You just have to let it take over your ears and mind.
Ok, if you have been following my blog, you know I have a special place in my heart for Chopped and Screwed music. I am a girl from the Dirty South. I know it’s not for everyone, but even if it is not, you must give the chopped and screwed version of Curry a listen.
About Amir Jackson
Amir Rashad Jackson (born July 14, 1989), who goes by his first name on stage, is a California native rapper currently living in Dallas, TX. Amir is one of the more highly regarded underground artists in today’s hip hop scene as he constantly has his hands all over the hottest records out. If he isn’t posting freestyles over the hottest beats heard on the radio he is pumping out endless amounts of new material that will keep you eagerly waiting for his next song.
As an indie artist Amir has been able to secure label meetings with top industry execs including Mack Drama (Brick Squad) HM Management, as well as Curtis Young (Dr. Dre’s son)! He doesn’t just make West Coast Boom Bap Rap, he has the gritty down south tracks, the fast-paced East Coast tempo, and he even has a few Jazz records that he converted into hip-hop euphoria. Talented is an understatement; this kid is blessed with the endurance and creativity it takes to become successful in today’s music industry. Amir possesses that confident but smooth style of delivery that is easy on the ears and his lyrical genius is second to none. His punch lines and timing of certain words creates a unique sound not heard from by most.
With 3 solid projects already out Anti-Social, Anti-Social 2, and Catch It While It’s Free Amir is planning his first album “No Genre No Type” release to hit the market 1st quarter next year! All in all, this is a great artist you need on your playlist!
The track that Amir recommends everyone should listen to is “Alright“.
Connect with Amir Jackson on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/THEAMIRJACKSON/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theamirjackson
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_amir_jackson/
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/theamirjackson
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Jay Creed
Content Creator + Editor-in-Chief
Jay is the Content Creator + Editor-in-Chief here at Life of Creed. She shares her adventures in homeschooling, traveling, beauty, mental health, fashion, product + music reviews, DIY, and more. She is also a blog coach + mompreneur consultant over at Jay Creed.