There is nothing worse for a motorist than to spot that someone has chipped the paint off his cars or that the windshield has cracked in one place. While the former is quite benign and causes only aesthetical damage to the car, a cracked windshield is a serious business. Even a crack several millimeters in diameter can cause problems as it starts to spread after a while. Since the crack can further develop and endanger your field of vision, you need to sort out the problem immediately. If you’re unsure how to fix a crack in the windshield, read on, as we offer several possible solutions. 

An emergency fix-up

Once the crack appears, whatever the case may be, people tend to slightly panic and reach for duct tape. Although it seems irrational, this solution is actually quite good as a first aid measure since it temporarily prevents the crack from spreading. Furthermore, it prevents the elements from influencing the windshield surface, so no dirt, water, or frost can get inside the hole and widen it. Of course, this is just an ad hoc solution that can last several days because such patching up is useless when it comes to high speed and even a fender bender that both have the potential to crack the glass wide open. The ugly truth is that the structural integrity of the windshield has been irreversibly compromised, so you need to come up with a more longevous solution to the problem. 

A feminine touch

Another temporary repair solution might come as a surprise for many women drivers. Namely, they are used to having nail polish for cosmetic reasons back home, but unaware to them, men also clandestinely acquire nail polish when they see a crack a crack in the windshield. Namely, clear acrylic nail polish can be applied to a small crack to protect it against the elements much like tape, but unlike the tape which absorbs water and falls off over time, nail polish is water-resistant, so it hermetically closes the hole. Sometimes it is applied in combination with Super Glue to further strengthen the area around the edges of the crack to prevent it from spreading. As you see ladies, men do have a feminine side. 

Park the car in the shade

Physics 101 says that all things expand when heated and shrink when exposed to cold. Tempered glass is no different, so if you park your car for the whole day out in the open during a hot summer, let’s say in Australia, you will come back to it in the evening only to find out that the crack is now 5 instead of 3 millimeter long. That is why in the days prior to applying a more permanent repair solution, you should avoid exposing the windshield to direct sunlight, as this move might further the problem. Besides heat, other extreme weather conditions, such as biting cold and show could also make matters worse. That is why you should park the car in the shade or even better, garage it.

Professional repair

So far, most measures we mentioned are just fix-ups that won’t last long. What you really need is a professional car service that will repair the glass properly. Any cracks and chips in the windshield glass that are less than 15 centimeters wide can be repaired efficiently without jeopardizing visibility. Besides the length of the crack, time also plays a role, so drive the car to the mechanics as soon as possible. Like we pointed out earlier, a typical car glass repair in Sydney should be carried out immediately so as to prevent the scorching Australian sun from further damaging the windshield. It the crack become too wide and long, then there’s no other solution but to replace the whole windshield altogether, which you will cost you significantly more than just repairing a crack.

DIY repairs

Now, we cannot lie: a professional repair is the best option and DIY repairs are not that recommendable. However, there are automotive glass repair kits that provide the drivers with the opportunity and tools to resolve the crack themselves. Their content includes a special resin that is forced into the crack and it seals it from within to protect it from outside debris and the harsh weather. This injection of the resin requires the precision and skills of a surgeon, so not everybody can make a successful DIY repair of the windshield. If it’s a sloppy patch-up, then matters could be made worse, since you have to drill another hole which is a tentative task. Ultimately, you might end up with not one but two cracks in the windshield! 

Once you notice a crack in windshield appear, your first order of business is to prevent it from spreading. You can use the temporary fix-ups listed here but the truth is the car needs to go to a professional service shop to be repaired properly unless you want to cash out a brand new windshield. 

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There is nothing worse for a motorist than to spot that someone has chipped the paint off his cars or that the windshield has cracked in one place. Even a crack several millimeters in diameter can cause problems as it starts to spread after a while. Since the crack can further develop and endanger your field of vision, you need to sort out the problem immediately. If you’re unsure how to fix a crack in the windshield, read on, as we offer several possible solutions.

About the Author

Audrey Taylor

Audrey Taylor

Contributing Writer

Audrey Taylor was born in San Francisco and moved to Adelaide at the age of five. Marketer researcher and social media manager on hold, full-time mommy of a cheerful two-year-old. She graduated from Queensford college, worked in a couple of marketing agencies across Australia, eager to learn more about business and share experiences. She has traveled across Europe. Her hobbies include home decor, fashion, travel, music, and old movies.