It is that time of year again! Time to start school again. As many of you know, we home school the Princess. This school year she will be in the First Grade, OMG, my baby is growing up way too fast. We have been using Calvert Education since Pre-Kindergarten and plan to use them until, well, the Princess is either finish school or she ask not be home school any longer.
I knew from the beginning that I did not want to try and make my own curriculum. I went in search for the prefect fit that would work for us as a new homeschooling family. This year I called (versus enrolling online) to enroll her into First Grade program with ATS, as I want to take advantage of the returning student discount being offered. Any little bit helps, right? The lady that helped me was very nice and answered all my questions I had. If you are curious to know more about ATS, which is the Advisory Teaching Service, check out my blog post here. This is a service I am very happy Calvert Education offers and it is worth every single penny!
When the box arrived at the door I was excited to rip into the box and check out what great material was inside from Calvert Education for first grade. The Princess was also very excited to check everything out, even though she wish summer break could last a few weeks long.
Check out these great textbooks! I was more excite than the Princess about these textbooks. There are two additional Lesson Manuals compared to Kindergarten. We will be working to getting into a good school routine, to help keep focus on the school days. Of course we will continue to take field trips like in the past. To highlight the First Grade curriculum, it will focus on Reading, Writing/Composition, Math, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Poetry, and Games & Activities.
For our math option, we will continue with Calvert Math. There is also the option of Singapore Math, Math in Focus, or you could build your own math curriculum. We used Calvert Math in Kindergarten and are continuing the school year with it.
We also receive some school supplies. I do buy additional notepads, pencils, crayons, etc. for the school year. The Princess loves to use construction paper, so it’s nice to have a get a extra pack with the school supplies from Calvert Education.
Do you homeschool? If so, do you make your own curriculum or buy a curriculum?
Looking for more great post on homeschooling? Check these out!
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I don’t home school but I love all the material you have to use with your little one. I’m always looking for ways to supplement my children’s learning at home. Thanks for sharing this and good luck to you and your daughter this school year!
I don’t have kids but my mom home schooled me and my brother fr a coupe years in elementary school. Made me a better reader than most kids in my grade 🙂
If I were to homeschool, I think I would buy a curriculum, too! This all looks like great material and it’s nice that it comes with some school supplies, too.
This makes it so much easier. It saves time in having to put together a lesson plan for the week. I just have to plan any add-on material/lessons to go with what we are learning each week.
That looks like a great set!! So much fun stuff and the ability to learn even more!! Hoping your son has a great year. 🙂
These look like materials that my boys have at their school. My boys just love reading.
I was very excited when I saw that the textbooks were published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, it is a company that has been printing textbooks since I was a kid.
What a great kit! I don’t homeschool, but this is great for someone who does.
This looks like a great program. I don’t think I’d have the patience to homeschool. Hope your year starts off great!
Yes, some days it takes A LOT of patiences, lol. The year is starting off good and can only hope it continues to go well.
This looks like a great set of products to consider using in your homeschooling journey. I am spoiled because Connections Academy provides all of that stuff for me, but I have been considering changing to a new system like this one. Thanks for the review.
It looks like you’ve got some great resources!
What a great set of tools for education! Love all of the features in the education box and it looks like your kids will definitely enjoy!!
Sounds like a great start to your year, and why is it that they have to grow up so fast?!?!
I have seriously considered homeschooling my two sons but have not made the leap to it yet. My husbands family is very supportive of the idea but mine isn’t. And my family is very vocal about not being supportive about it too.
If we do decide to homeschool I would also purchase the course materials.
Glad to hear you husband’s family is very supportive. I know it can make taking the leap to homeschool difficult when you have people, especially family not very supportive of it. The best I can say, is try to educated them on why you plan to homeschool, i.e. live in a not so good school district, difficulty at current school. Remember, there is a large homeschooling support out there, Facebook, local groups, who there to cheer and support you on. Many people think about, you’re kid is not going to socialize with other kids. Well, we are involved in many activities from gymnastics, jazz dance, to story time at our local library. Wishing you all the best!
We don’t home school (too young anyway- 1 years old!) but I think it’s awesome that you can purchase curriculum- I always wondered about that. Very cool! I hope you guys have an excellent school year 🙂
I love that we can purchase such an awesome curriculum. I don’t think I could put together anything this prefect. Of course there are some homeschooling families who put together their own and kudos to them. I know that as to take a lot of time and patience.
I was homeschooled for a few years and we used Calvert. Of course, most of the materials are completely new, but I’m happy that Red Robin, Fly Up! was still there in 2015. I loved it!
I’m looking into Calvert for my own girl, now, but Red Robin is no longer there…
One question. It’s 2018-19. Are you still homeschooling with Calvert?
Yes, I am still homeschooling with Calvert in 2018-2019 school year. They have made some new changes, we are doing digital. No books, everything is online. Calvert also offers a digital + print option too.