Orthotics or orthos are the specially designed devices that are worn so that the foot and ankle problems can be corrected without surgery. People may think that orthotics are only limited within shoes only, but these can include foot pads, shoe inserts, ankle braces, and other similar items. However, the treatment of foot and ankle issues can begin with less expensive off-the-shelf orthotics and then progress to a custom orthotic if needed. But in this regard, you need to consult with your podiatrist for more details and he or she can prescribe you the best orthotics devices according to your needs.
Why Would You Need Orthotics Devices?
The main purpose of the orthotics is to focus on the hind foot, midfoot and forefoot along with lower extremities in a desirable manner to relieve pain and provide people with proper foot posture. The most common myth about the foot orthotics is that they are meant for only seniors. In fact, the truth is that orthotics can be used by people of all age-group and for a variety of activities. The orthotics devices are made in various shapes and sizes, and you can choose any one according to your needs. If you suffer from any foot or ankle pain, then you can wear such orthotics devices and you do not need any surgery to prevent your foot pain.
Uses of Orthotics
There are various medical treatments that will need orthotics and it is best to consult with the podiatrists in this regard. They are the trained professionals and they can suggest you the best orthotics according to your needs. The orthotic devices can be recommended for the following reasons:
- Aligning and supporting the foot or ankle
- Prevention, correction, or accommodation of foot deformities
- Improving the overall functioning of the foot or ankle
- Flat feet or fallen arches
- Stress fractures in lower extremities
- Plantar fasciitis or heel pain
- Bunions
- Neuroma’s
- Tendonitis
- Sever’s disease or children’s growth plate problems
- Shin splints
- Arthritis
- Lower back, hip, and knee pain
- Corns and callous
Let Us Look at Some Examples:
- A wedge can be inserted into the inner side of the sole of the shoe to help or support flatfoot thus reducing the risk of tendinitis.
- An ankle-foot brace is useful in relieving the pain of rheumatoid arthritis in the heel or ankle.
- A heel flare is used to increase support and help prevent ankle sprains.
- Heel cushions can help absorb impact and relieve stress on heel and ankle while you walk or run.
- Initially, plaster molds of the foot were used to construct the custom-made orthosis, and now computerized foot analysis is used to develop orthotics devices.
Effect of Orthotics on Your Feet
It is reported that more than 80% of the global population gave feet that tend to pronate, which occurs when the foot rolls inwards and the arch of the foot flattens. Thus, having structural issues or pronation of the feet does not indicate that you will have problems with feet. However, it is only when your feet experience excessive pronation, people tend to have an increased rate of injury. In such cases, you can face some difficulties as stated below:
- Foot pain
- Knee pain
- Hip pain
- Back pain
- Inefficient gait
- Arthritis
- Fatigued muscles
- Shoes wearing out quickly.
The foot orthotics range from hard plastic and carbon laminates to soft foam depending on the requirement of the patient and physical characteristics. The orthotics for foot can fit into a variety of shoes such as children’s shoes, soccer shoes, ski boots, athletic shoes, ladies and men dress shoes, and protective footwear.
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About the Author
Lara Buck
Guest Contributor
My name is Lara Buck. A knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my Blog which gives you brief ideas on the orthotics is to focus on the hind foot, midfoot and forefoot along with lower extremities in a desirable manner to relieve pain and provide people with proper foot posture.
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