If you’re on social media that there is a very high chance that you’re more than familiar with the “That Girl” trend that has hit. Originating on TikTok, this has swept the internet and has pushed everyone into wanting to be better versions of themselves. From creating more time to exercising, getting around to eating nourishing meals, increasing wellness right into their home, and finding the best methods of keeping themselves and their life organized. Sure, this is more about staying productive and utilizing all the hours in the day. 

But there is a reason that this is a trend, and even some, have transformed it into a lifestyle; it’s because it works. So, whether you want to pick up some of the elements of the trends, want to learn more, or even want to become “That Girl” yourself, here are some of the healthy habits that she and anyone else can obtain!


Having a more organized life

Everyone can benefit from living a life that is more organized. Being organized and living in an organized space just allows for less stress and more productivity. This can include taking some time to do some journaling, cleaning up your home, and even going as far as writing down your plans and schedule. Getting organized can be something that is truly life-changing, so this may be a healthy habit that you may want to pick up for yourself.

Healthy meals are abundant

While the TikTok trend does show off men and women of all ages indulging in expensive smoothie bowls, chia puddings, and colorful salads, you need to keep in mind that it’s for show. You don’t have to make your plate of food look like it’s ready for a photography session. You don’t need to pay money for overpriced foods either. And no, you don’t even need to go to Farmers Markets or Whole Foods just to get your produce. Instead, why not just embrace eating healthy in general? This includes cutting out processed foods, drinking more water, and buying your groceries (that are healthy) somewhere affordable. Healthy living doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive; it doesn’t need to be for the rich.

Wellness practices

With the “That Girl” trend, multiple wellness practices have had a life shine on it. This can include taking some time to yourself and indulging in the Delta 8 THC Vape Carts. But this can even include watching documentaries, gardening, coloring, crafts, exercising, yoga, hiking, and so much more. Wellness isn’t about eating healthy and exercising. It goes far beyond that, and the mind and soul need to be taken into account as well.

Embracing the idea of positivity

Sure, with the trend right now, there is this idea that only the rich can indulge. This includes the expensive elements that this trend has, such as pricey athleisure wear, gym memberships, expensive salads/ smoothies, the fancy skincare routine, and this can go on and on. While these are common elements in the trend, they don’t need to be taken to the extreme that makes them look aesthetically pleasing. However, money or not, one healthy habit that this trend has is the outlook of positivity. Just wanting to think about the bright side and see what the silver lining is can vastly help your outlook on life. Remember, mental health is just as important as physical health, and this is a wonderful example.

Having fun

This can come in a variety of methods and can vary from person to person. What do you find to be fun? What is something that makes you happy? Is this swimming? Hiking? Reading? Playing video games? Whatever it is, the choice is yours, and that’s one of the best parts of this trend too!

Good skincare

While a good skincare routine is vital, it doesn’t need to be on the same level as what you see on TikTok and YouTube. There is no need to buy Drunken Elephant skin care products when there are cheap products out there at drug stores that are known for working. Just make sure you wear sunscreen every day, stay hydrated, and also you don’t forget about cleansing your face. Your skincare routine doesn’t need to be huge. Plus, aging is a natural process, and every cream in the world isn’t going to fight back against mother nature and the aging process.

Healthy exercise routine and diet

Last but certainly not least would be diet and exercise. “That Girl” eats healthy every day, and she gets up early to exercise before she starts her day at work. So, this is something you could possibly try to incorporate in your day. As stated before, there is this aesthetic behind it to make everything look pretty, but it’s something that doesn’t need to be done either. 

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