Now more than ever, people are abandoning their inner couch potatoes for the sake of their latest New Year’s resolutions. Add to that, the growing awareness of fitness and health across the globe pushes people even further to reach their goals, but sometimes the ambition might lack the substance needed to tackle all the little milestones necessary to achieve such majestic goals. By that, we mean that you might not have all the information about nutrition and exercise to fuel your desire to get lean, shredded, shed fat, and get toned.

In the effort to make this fitness journey a little easier on you, let’s take a look at a few tried and tested, celeb-approved tips their own fitness trainers and gurus use to guide them towards their spotless physiques!

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Keep your body guessing

Celebrities lead busy lives, and that means that hitting the same gym every day at the same time is rarely an option. While you might be able to sustain that routine, your body will certainly get used to that tempo and stop responding to your workouts in the same beneficial way.

The solution? Diversity. Keep your workouts versatile, change your routine, add different programs into your day to hit every muscle group in different ways, intensities, and with progressive overload to always stimulate your body. 

Celebrities lead busy lives, and that means that hitting the same gym every day at the same time is rarely an option. While you might be able to sustain that routine, your body will certainly get used to that tempo and stop responding to your workouts in the same beneficial way.

Mind your menu

It’s no coincidence that all the experts say your abs are indeed made in the kitchen. But even beyond the lovely six-pack, your overall physique and health will be formed and maintained only with the help of a healthy nutrition plan at the ready.

While everyone is different, and your body certainly has different needs, you can rely on certain rules of thumb such as eating plenty of green, leafy veggies, loading your plate with fiber-rich foods, and choosing lean sources of protein to give your body the fuel it needs to burn fat and stay strong. buy wellbutrin online no prescription

Boost your energy

What’s the main reason to sit at home instead of hitting the gym? For most of us, it’s simple exhaustion or lack of energy we feel when we’re burnt out or swamped with chores. In those precious moments, how you modify your behavior to boost your energy will make the difference between actually working out or sitting that one out again, and celebrities face similar energy slumps too, and they tackle them with quality supplementation.

To keep it simple and easy to manage, you can introduce a supplement that contains effective ingredients such as teacrine that serve to enhance your energy and keep you alert, without letting your body become resistant over time. Instead of having a cup of coffee that might make you feel jittery, a pre-workout supplement with this ingredient gives you a sustained source of energy sans the side-effects. buy zantac online no prescription

It’s not just about those hours you spend at the gym, the pool, the park, doing whatever it is that you enjoy doing. While the hour-long workout will certainly help your body shed fat and build muscle, three or four hours per week cannot compensate for the predominantly sedentary life you might be leading overall.

Keep up every appointment

Would you ever ditch your gynecologist’s appointment, or never check up on your dental health? Would you skip work every time you don’t feel like negotiating with clients or dealing with adolescents in the classroom? Chances are, you treat these responsibilities like a grownup and honor every single one of them. 

Do the same with your workouts. Treat them like the mandatory self-care, health habits that they should be. Treat them like brushing your teeth and taking a shower, like basic, essential hygiene. When it becomes a part of who you are, working out is no longer an option, but your own little vow. buy zetia online no prescription

Be active whenever you can

It’s not just about those hours you spend at the gym, the pool, the park, doing whatever it is that you enjoy doing. While the hour-long workout will certainly help your body shed fat and build muscle, three or four hours per week cannot compensate for the predominantly sedentary life you might be leading overall. Your body should adapt to the moving mindset if you will.

Use every opportunity to get moving. Whether that means taking the stairs every single time, cycling to work, or walking to your office, it should include a mindset that is primarily activity-focused, with no excuses to look for a chance to sit or drive. Such behavior alterations may seem minor to you, but they will change your metabolism.  

We may not be celebs, and we may not have access to stellar fitness trainers or cooks to eat our way to a slim look. However, you can always rely on these timeless tips that even Hollywood approves of, and embed them into the very foundation of your new fitness routine to reap the rewards and maximize your results.

About the Author

Mia Taylor

Mia Taylor

Guest Contributor

Mia Taylor is 33-year old blogger who writes about beauty, fashion and travel. She had always been passionate about fashion and over time she had developed a style of her own.  Mia loves to mix and match and get inspire girls with her advice about outfit and accessories. She loves telling a story about her travels, providing beauty tips with readers.


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We may not be celebs, and we may not have access to stellar fitness trainers or cooks to eat our way to a slim look. However, you can always rely on these timeless tips that even Hollywood approves of, and embed them into the very foundation of your new fitness routine to reap the rewards and maximize your results.

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