If you have resolved to sleep better this year, it is the perfect time to take a look at your current sleep habits. By making a few simple changes, you may be able to sleep more soundly through the night, waking up feeling refreshed and rested. Below are seven tips that can help you start getting better sleep right away.

Tips to help get better sleep. If you have resolved to sleep better this year, it is the perfect time to take a look at your current sleep habits. By making a few simple changes, you may be able to sleep more soundly through the night, waking up feeling refreshed and rested.

1. Purchase A High-Quality Mattress

If you mattress old, it probably isn’t providing you with the support that you need. Investing in a new mattress is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Be sure to try out a variety of different mattresses before deciding which type you perfect. We have heard good things about the Nectar mattress. Although mattresses can be quite expensive, the investment can pay off by making it much easier to sleep. This, in turn, can improve your physical and mental health.

2. Try Playing Soothing Sounds

Sound machines that produce white noise or calming sounds can be a great way to block out distracting noises from outside your home. You can buy machines that are designed specifically for this purpose. Alternatively, you can add an app to your phone that will do the same thing. There are a number of free ones available that you can try.

3. Experiment With Smart Alarm Clocks

There are apps that you can download for your phone that can be used to keep track of your sleep habits. With these apps, you can choose a window of time during which you want to be awakened. They will then monitor you and wake you up when you are in the shallowest level of sleep. Even though this may mean that your alarm clock goes off a little bit earlier than normal, you will most likely feel more rested, simply because you weren’t jolted out of a deep sleep.

4. Don’t Consume Caffeine After Lunch

The effects of caffeine last long after you finish your last cup of coffee or soda. Try switching to non-caffeinated beverages after lunch time. Herbal tea, water, juice, decaffeinated coffee are all great choices. Making this easy change can have a positive impact on your sleep.

5. Minimize The Amount of Alcohol That You Drink

One of the biggest misconceptions about alcohol is that it helps you sleep. While it is true that it makes you drowsy, it also makes you more likely to wake up during the night, interfering with your ability to get deep, restful sleep. Try to avoid drinking alcohol before bed to eliminate this problem.

6. Consider Using an Electric Blanket

If your room is too cold, it can be hard to get to sleep. On the other hand, if it is too hot, you may find yourself waking up sweating during the night. A good way to get around this problem is by using an electric blanket. Make sure that it has an automatic shutoff feature. That way, you can use it to stay warm when you get into bed without having to worry about it making you too hot during the night.

7. Turn Down the Lights

Before bed, minimize your exposure to light. Try dimming the lights throughout your home to encourage your body to release melatonin. Avoid looking at bright screens on your electronic devices directly before bed, as well.

These simple changes can make a big difference in your overall quality of sleep.

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