by Contributing Author | Parenting
It is normal for parents to feel on edge about how they should raise their children. The first time you bring your child home, you only know the knowledge that was passed down to you through your family. This is why it’s okay to raise your kids in your own way...
by Contributing Author | First Time Mom, Motherhood, Parenting
As a parent or guardian, you know that there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your child or children. Part of taking care of them is being aware of the accidents that can happen in the home. We often think of our homes and gardens as safe, but a lot can go wrong for...
by Contributing Author | Health, Parenting
Being a parent is challenging but at the same time fulfilling. One of the standard replies parents give when asked what they want for their kids is to be happy. Bringing up healthy kids is vital in ensuring their happiness. Today, many children in America struggle...
by Contributing Author | Parenting
Parenting is one of the most challenging jobs, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. However, there are many mistakes that new parents make without realizing it. These mistakes can lead to unnecessary stress and frustration on you and your child. You might...
by Contributing Author | Infants & Toddlers, Kids, Parenting
It can seem somewhat useless to try and encourage your child to play, as it’s something that often comes naturally to them and requires no further instruction. However, children who may be particularly shy or unwilling to try something new can find themselves being...
by Contributing Author | Parenting
It’s fair to say that you’ll have a lot of worries and concerns as a parent. But which issues should you be focusing on and which ones aren’t as important as they seem? Internet Woes Is the fear of children online overhyped and exaggerated? Unfortunately, the dangers...