Unfortunately, there is no fountain of youth, but that’s okay because aging is a natural part of life, and anyway, there are lots of simple, natural things we can all do to, if not erase the visible signs of aging, at least minimize them.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to look as young as possible for as long as possible, as long as you take a healthy approach to aging and don’t let it take over your life. There is even less wrong with it when you approach it in a healthy, natural way that can have positive effects on the rest of your life too. So, without further ado, there are some totally natural things you can do to stay younger for longer:
Stop Stressing
Okay, so this is far easier said than done, but anything you can do to limit the stress in your life, whether that be meditating, doing yoga or simply taking more time out for self-care, will help you to stay younger for longer. You see, when you are stressed out, you are less likely to get enough sleep, more likely to overeat or stop looking after yourself in a myriad ways, and it can even make you physically sick with heart and mental problems amongst other things. All of this stuff can affect the way you look too, which isn’t as important as the health issues it can cause, but it is something to think about for sure.
Add More Good Fats to Your Diet
For years we have been told that dietary fat is bad for us, but it really isn’t, not the good fats like Omega-3 anyway. If you add more healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in things like oily fish, nuts, and seeds, to your diet, you should see an improvement in the plumpness of your skin, which will start to glow like it has never glowed before, too. Not only that, but your bone strength will improve and your body will suffer less from inflammation, which means you really will look and feel younger.
Cut Down on Salt
Salt might be good at making food taste even better, but if you eat too much of it, it could cause wrinkles to form on your neck, chest, and eyes. If you want to know how to get rid of eye lines, creases & wrinkles, there are lots of things you can try, but removing excess salt from your diet is one of the most effective, and it will help to keep your heart healthy too. Look up the guidelines for salt consumption and try to eat at or under those levels as much as you can. It will make a surprising difference.
Life Weights
So many women shy away from lifting weights because they think they’ll end up looking like Vin Diesel if they pump iron, but this is just not going to happen, not unless you take steroids and other drugs, anyway.
Why should you start lifting weights? Because it tightens and tones the body like nothing else, which means you can maintain a more youthful figure. More importantly, it strengthens muscles and improves bone density, which are both very important factors in living a healthy life as you get older.
Feel Passion
Feeling passionate about something, whether it is the person you love or a particular hobby or activity that makes you feel on top of the world, is one of the most powerful drugs there is and it’s completely natural. If you fully embrace life; feel love and passion in every day, and totally enjoy what you’re doing, your body will release high levels of oxytocin and other feel-good chemicals that reduce stress and anxiety and give you a healthy glow that no amount of makeup or any number of cosmetic procedures could replicate. When you are happy you look truly amazing no matter how many or few wrinkles and lines you have.
Have a Glass of Red
You really don’t have to deny yourself all of life’s pleasures to stay young and red wine is a case in point. Research has shown that red wine can actually be quite good for you. It can potentially boost your lifespan, lower cholesterol and cut your risk of heart disease. Not only that but the chemicals released from the grapes, notably resveratrol and tannin, could have anti-aging effects on your skin too!
Looking young and feeling young is just as important and the ideas above will help you to achieve most, so start applying them to your life right now!
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Contributing Author
This blog post was written by a contributing author.
This is such a cool post girl! I love lifting weights, I feel like it makes my skin GLOW too! And amen to drinking a glass of red wine. I definitely see my under eye wrinkles coming in…and it’s terrifying!!!!!
Thanks! I need to start including weights into my exercise routine.
I love all of these natural tips! I feel like they’re so easy and realistic to implement. I definitely need to work on my stress levels though!
Agree, very easy to implement.
I think not being stressed is a big one regarding staying young. Being stressed all the time can definitely age us!
Yup, stress all the time can age us.
all in the natural way! Who doesn’t want to be always in the safest side? yes to all natural way of living!
Yes, all in the natural way! 🙂
You had me at red wine! I love taking care of my body especially as I get older. But I agree we also need to enjoy some of life’s pleasures!
Yes!! I’ve read for years red wine is good for you. Now, another reason to have a glass. 🙂
Love all these tips!! I do believe in aging naturally and to age with grace… that doesn’t mean I have to look old doing it!! LOL Once this cyst on the wrist heals I will be back in the gym to lift those weights!
Agree, we can age naturally, with grace and definitely not look old.