When it comes to losing weight, it is a process and it can get annoying. Counting calories, watching your every bite, avoiding sweets like the plague… It will exhaust you at some point. Subordinating your every day to losing weight can have total reluctance as a result. Cut your self some slack with the restriction and explore what are the other, less strict options.

There are many effortless hacks to help you cut down the pounds from piling up. We have selected some of them which seem to be easy and fun.

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Play Video Games

Yes, you are reading it right. Playing video games can control your appetite by distracting you from your sweet cravings. When you get caught up in a video game, your focus is on something else other than food. Yes, there are more quality things to do instead of this, but we are looking to put minimal effort, and this is as effortless as it gets. So next time you have a candy craving, try Candy Crush instead. It might work.

Playing playstation -

Have healthy snacks laying around

Let’s be honest, laziness is what’s killing our healthy diet. It’s always easier to reach for a chocolate bar or a bag of chips than slicing some apples or carrot sticks. To avoid this common mistake and the source of extra pounds, try not buying unhealthy snacks at all. This way, when you feel like having a bite, you will have no choice than to take that apple. You can also trick yourself with getting healthy snacks, such as dried or frozen fruit, pumpkin and sunflower seeds or organic juice.

Ditch the coffee – sugar & spice

Most of the people like their coffee sweet and heavy creamed, and who could blame them. With all the extra flavours you can get, who could resist salted caramel mocha with almond milk. Although this sounds very appealing, there are huge hidden calories that go along. If you are a true coffee lover, you will find the pure fresh filtered one the best for having a genuine coffee taste. If you are used to having your coffee sweet, just give it a chance. After a couple of times, you will forget about the sugar and that way get rid of all the unnecessary calories.

Coffee with sugar - Minimal Effort, Maximal Results: How to Lose Weight

Eat proteins for breakfast

Assuming that you already know better than skipping the breakfast, the second rule is to have it staffed with proteins. By having a couple of scrambled eggs, a glass of soy milk or Greek yogurt with your cereal, you will feel more full for longer time. The good thing with the proteins is that you can smuggle them as a powder into your morning smoothie or even coffee. That way you can go the easy way on feeling full without too much trouble.

Replace the car with a bike

So if you thought this post will be completely free of advice on physical activity, you were wrong. There are ways of cutting the efforts here and there, but physical activity inevitably goes along with losing weight. However, this doesn’t have to mean starting the gym first thing tomorrow. For example, riding a bike instead of taking a car or bus can, in an effortless way, can help you lose weight big times. When you are riding a bike, you are basically doing cardio. Just imagine doing a 20 minutes cardio a couple of times a day. Sounds promising, doesn’t it? And if you opt for an electric bike, exercise and losing weight have never been more practical. They are easy to handle and will take you anywhere you need to go.

riding bike to commute - Minimal Effort, Maximal Results: How to Lose Weight

Have a salad on a regular basis

The salad is, in general, a healthy asset to your meal. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Adding a salad to your everyday lunch or dinner will improve your health, but in addition, it will make you feel more full than without it. If you want to cut the portion of your regular meal, have your salad first. If you just want to feel full for the longest time, have your salad last. Any way you decide on, you should have your salad every day. Not to mention you should skip all the meat, cheese, croutons, and the super-caloric dressing.

Brush and floss before dessert

Brushing and flossing at the end of a meal can stop you from having an additional snack or two after the meal is officially done. This also applies to dessert. It is more likely that you will skip the dessert if your teeth are already clean and shiny. There’s also the taste factor. Having something sweet or cold after brushing your teeth can be very unpleasant. If you are on a more strict diet, you can try brushing your teeth every time you get hungry. It will prevent you from eating at least for half an hour.

So there you go, seven easy ways to lose weight. They may seem too easy to even work, but give them a shot. You will be surprised. Just carelessly applying some of them to your daily routine won’t change your day flow drastically, but can and will help you improve your body. After all, you have nothing to lose. Other than a couple of pounds.

About the Author

Audrey Taylor

Audrey Taylor

Guest Blogger

Audrey Taylor was born in San Francisco and moved to Adelaide at the age of five. Marketer researcher and social media manager on hold, full-time mommy of a cheerful two-year-old. She graduated from Queensford college, worked in a couple of marketing agencies across Australia, eager to learn more about business and share experiences. She has traveled across Europe. Her hobbies include home decor, fashion, travel, music, and old movies.